
Welcome to the Camp Toolbox!

Use this section as a reference before and during the summer to access camp seymour songs, skits, activity planning guides, how-to’s, and more! New and returning staff will find never-before-seen resources and information in this section, so make sure to check out the resources below! 

Games, Activities, Songs, and Skits

Check out our handbooks for ideas on games for your cabins or a new song or skit for campfire! These activities will help fuel the camp magic with your cabin group and make for a fun and memorable week!

 Camp Games

Camp Activities

Camp Songs

Camp Skits

Camp Grace Book

Camptivity Planning

All counselors will lead camptivities during the week, which are our "classes" at camp. Campers can develop their skills by participating in the same activity throughout the week. Camptivities are a wonderful way to share your passions with campers. Do you love to crochet? Sing? Solve Rubix's Cubes? Paint? Journal? Perform magic tricks? Speak another language? These and so many more make for engaging camptivities that can spark lifelong passions for campers.

All counselors will be expected to submit 3-4 camptivity plans during staff training for review. Plan activities you will enjoy teaching! You can always submit new plans during the summer if you'd like to try teaching a new activity.

See below for a blank camptivity planning sheet. Use it to plan a camptivity you'd lead during the summer. A camptivity has an overarching theme and different activity each day that fits into that theme. For example, if you're leading an art camptivity, you might teach a different drawing or painting style each day. Plan an activity for each day that would take roughly 30 minutes and have a backup activity for each day in case you finish early. Campers should be doing different activities each day, they should not be doing the same thing each day. Activities that don't require intense 1 on 1 instruction are best for a group setting. See the example camptivity plans if you don't know where to start!

Camptivity Planning Sheet

Sample Arts Camptivity

Sample Sports Camptivity

Self-Care at Camp

Self-care is incredibly important in having a successful and fulfilling summer at camp. Using your breaks well is important to return to work refreshed and ready to go for the week. It's a great time to connect with friends and explore the area, but it's also your time to recharge and relax.

Before committing to a packed social weekend, honestly ask yourself what will be restful for you over the weekend. Reading a book, watching a movie, listening to music or a podcast, calling friends and family, or hammocking in the trees are all great options.

Your breaks during the day are just as important. Even though scrolling on our phones is often the most tempting option, for most of us, that isn't the most recharging activity we could be doing. Try to plan an intentional activity for at least one of your breaks, such as journaling, reading a book, hiking in the outback, taking a nap or shower, making a snack, or something else that brings you joy!

Check out the resources below for ways to be intentional about self-care at camp:

ACA Self Care Survival Guide

ACA Self Care Strategies

Thoughts on Resting and Recharging

Dopamine Menu Instructions

Dopamine Menu Template

How To's

Check out these documents for tips on tough topics. These hot to's can help you prepare for working with kids, or during the summer when you need some tips!

Missing Home

Behavior Management

Staff Training Brainstorms

Staff Commitment

NOT Refreshing

Refreshing Breaks

Navigate disagreement with your CO

Parts of Campfire

Camper alert sample

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